Organizational Services
At Global Corporate Health Resources, we believe that the health and well-being of the organization is equally as important as the individual employees. To address this belief, GCHR delivers a variety of services that have been specifically developed and designed to focus on the organizational issues that may arise in the workplace. These services, as listed below, may be utilized to support organizational growth or change, maximize the human potential of the workforce, help your organization develop excellence in leadership, or address specific organizational issues or events.
At GCHR, we work hand in hand with our employer client groups to identify and respond to current needs and issues.
Programs for employer groups are customized to meet unique organizational needs while supporting corporate values and goals.
Organizational Services:
Downsizing and Outplacement Services
Management Consulting and Coaching
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Team Building/Retreat Facilitation
Human Resource Consulting
Organizational Intervention/Development
To inquire about or schedule any of the above referenced Organizational Services, click on Contact Us.