About GCHR New Mexico True
Welcome to the Global Corporate Health Resources website. NEW MEXICO TRUE, GCHR has provided quality, comprehensive Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services to employer groups in New Mexico and the Southwest since 1986. We currently serve dozens of employer groups and thousands of staff and household members.
Like other EAPs, we provide assessment, referral, and counseling services for employees experiencing problems in their work and home lives. GCHR believes, however, that employee counseling services are only a part of total service to an employer. GCHR therefore actively promotes a 3-part program that addresses both the well-being of the organization and the individuals it employs.
Our 3-part program encompasses the following:
Counseling Services
for employees and household members
Workforce Training
to enhance employee skills, productivity, morale, and regulatory compliance
Organizational Development Activities
to maximize business potential and workforce effectiveness
GCHR brings to its employer groups a team of professionals in the fields of psychology, marriage and family therapy, substance abuse and addictions, social work, business management, communications, and human resources. Programs for employer groups are customized to meet unique organizational needs while supporting corporate values and goals.
To learn more about GCHR and the services we can bring to your workplace, please click on the desired menu option.